Why are there bells in temples?

Whenever we enter a temple, we generally find bells at the entrance of the temple.  Sometimes we find bells inside the temple too.  We usually ring the bell when we enter the temple or before offering pooja to God.

Significance of Bells in Hindu Temples

Before entering the inner chamber, we generally ring the bell. We sometimes wonder why are there bells present at the temple. And What is the significance of keeping bells at the temple?

Significance of Bells In a Temple

A bell is not made up of a simple metal. It is made up of different metals like lead, copper, zinc, chromium and manganese.  The real science is the proportion in which the different metals are mixed.  The sound that is produced when the bell is rung creates a unity between your left and right brain.  The sharp sound that is produced from the bell lasts for at least 7 minutes. The seven healing centres are activated by the sharp everlasting sound.

The bell’s body is the representative of time i.e. Ananta while the tongue of the bell represents Goddess Saraswati. The handle of the bell represents Garuda, Nandi or Chakra.

The moment we enter the temple, we touch the bell and ring it. The sound that is produced lasts for at least seven seconds in echo mode. The sound affects seven chakras in your body.  The moment you hear the bell sound, the brain becomes thoughtless, and it helps you to enter a state of Trance.  In this state, you seem to be very receptive.  A Hindu puja cannot take place without a bell. The Agama Sastra tells us the sound that is produced by ringing a bell keeps the evil power away.  The God is fond of the ring the bell because it pleases Him. Again, we enter the inner chamber of God with complete devotion with the sound of the bells tingling in our ears. The bell produces a long sound of “OM.” When light is waved in front of God or while offering food to God, the bell is also rung.

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